Mouse Jacking

The new era of car theft: Between technical ingenuity and security challenges
March 17, 2024 by
Mouse Jacking
REDSYSTEM, Giannino Cuignet

In the era of technological innovation, car thieves have developed advanced methods to circumvent the security systems of modern vehicles. Mouse jacking, a worrying and growing phenomenon, perfectly illustrates this new wave of high-tech crime. This article offers a technical decryption, from A to Z, of this method of theft that uses keyless technology.

Scouting and preparation

Thieves start by identifying a vehicle equipped with a keyless entry and start system, often parked in residential areas to minimize the risk of detection. The use of specialized electronic devices, such as signal amplifiers or jammers, is crucial. These devices, easily accessible on the black market or even in regular commerce, are the basic tools of mouse jacking.

Key signal capture

The actual theft process begins when criminals deploy a device near the owner's home to intercept the key's signal. A thief positions themselves as close to the key as possible, inside the house if possible, with a signal amplifier. This extends the range of the key's signal, allowing its capture even through walls.

Signal duplication and use

Once the signal is captured, the thieves exploit the intercepted electronic data to clone the key's signal. They then generate a duplicate signal that fools the vehicle's security system into believing the original key is present. This manipulation allows them to open the vehicle without physical break-in and, in many cases, to start the engine without the physical key. ​

Disabling security systems

With access to the vehicle obtained, the thieves can then connect to the OBD (On-Board Diagnostic) diagnostic port. This step is crucial: using a laptop or a specialized electronic device, they access the vehicle's computer network. Using specific software, they are capable of disabling security systems such as the vehicle's alarm or central locking, and in some cases, programming new keys for the vehicle.

The escape

The vehicle can now be started and driven without the original key. Thieves quickly move away from the theft site, minimizing the chances of being detected. Speed and discretion are key aspects of the success of this operation.

Preventive measures

In the face of the sophistication of mouse jacking, several preventive measures can be taken:

  • Key distancing: Keep keys away from doors and windows to prevent their signal from being captured from outside.
  • Use of signal-blocking pouches: Special pouches designed to block radio signals can prevent the duplication of the key's signal.
  • OBD port security: Using locking devices for the OBD port can prevent unauthorized access.
  • Vigilance and surveillance: Paying attention to suspicious activities around your vehicle is crucial. Installing surveillance cameras can also deter theft attempts.

Mouse jacking represents a concerning evolution in vehicle theft, leveraging the technological vulnerabilities of keyless systems. A thorough understanding of its operation is essential for developing effective prevention strategies, combining physical and technological security measures. In the face of this threat, vigilance and adaptation are our best defenses.

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